Saturday 22 August 2015


SCFT(Single Cell Function Test)

DRIVE TEST:- Testing the network in particular area to give the real picture of the network's performance on the field with a certain tools.

There are different parts of drive test.
  1. Planning
  2. Implementation
  3. Optimization
Optimization;- It is the process to maximize the network capacity and minimize the interference to improve the network quality.
Dedicated /Continues /Long call Mode:- Making continues call along drive test activity before starting the route , call the drive test no (ex. 199 for X operator) and only stop the call when the route finish.
* To see the quality and coverage of the network.
Ideal mode:- Along the drive test activity the MS is "ON" but no call occur. 

TEMS:-Test mobile system product by ERKSSON solution.This tools  developed for wireless network to plan/ optimize and expand their system. A test tool use to read and control information sent over the air interface between the base station and the mobile station in GSM or cellular system . It can also used for radio coverage measurement.

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